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Dear Hennepin County, ( AKA Hennepin County, Minnesota.)

I used to be a little girl named Debbie. I lived in Hennepin County.  In fact, I was born there.  That means that you and the police were my go to place for safety if my parents harmed me.  This is a picture of me when I was little.


By the time I was the age I was in the photo above, I had already been sexually assaulted by my violent incestual father.

…and your agency knew about it. Below are excerpts from documents. In the documents you will read the words of my mother.


You could have saved me.

Sincerely and with every harsh word society has called me for being stupid enough to survive,

Debbie, the little unworthy daughter of a violent pedophile; that you allowed to continue abusing me.

On January 18, 2017 Hennepin County (Hennepin County, Minnesota) (via social media) responded to me with this message:

            "...we appreciate your strength and your story. We are continually working to improve our children's safety."



Dear "Honorable" Judge Robert Bakke, ( 1978 District Court Judge ) Pine County, Minnesota.

My highly sadistic pedo father was in your court room.  He was there on a single charge for harming another child.  You saved his case for the end of the court calendar so as not to embarrass him; with no regard to what he did.  You were more worried about embarrassing a violent incestual pedophile.  You asked him if he harmed specific other children (that included myself,) and he admitted in a legal setting (your courtroom) in front of you, that he did.  Did you do anything further regarding his admission to you of his incestual crimes?

He was afforded the opportunity to pick and choose where he served his time.  First to the psychiatric hospital and when he didn't like that, to Stillwater Prison.  I was forced to visit him there.  While there he ate steak and boasted about it while I suffered.  When he got out of prison, after too short of a sentence, he re-entered my young life. I was blamed for my abuse and further abused.  I have been tormented my entire life by feelings of worthlessness and further abuse by him, other abusers, and all of their sick enablers.

Consider this the victim impact statement I was never afforded the opportunity to give.

You failed me your "honor," but you had an incestual pedophile's back.  Shame on you.  You disgust me. I'd never "honor" you.


You CHOSE to ignore his abuse towards me.


If I’m going to constantly be blamed by society for every decision that I have made while highly traumatized and for anything I did for survival, then aren't you also 100% to blame for your choice in not doing more when you had the chance? Or does your dirty robe absolve you and others from blame and shame?

To this very day people look past what my father did, what you and others failed to do, and point their uneducated and judgmental fingers at me. Only me.

Generations were destroyed.

Sincerely and with every ounce of contempt that I can muster for YOUR court,

Debbie, the little unworthy daughter of the violent pedophile that you didn't want to embarrass.


Dear Minnetonka Community Church Pastor, ( I believe they've changed their name since then) Minnetonka, Minnesota.

My family used to attend your church.  I was a little girl when we attended.  I sat in your pews and prayed to your God.  I did as all of your God’s little children were told to do.  I prayed for protection.  I sang “Jesus Loves Me,” (as if it were true) and I listened to countless sermons about your God’s “divine plan.”  I knew several of the church’s members and they knew me.  This is an image of me when I was a little girl.


My father attended your church as well.  By the time the picture of me above was taken, I had already been violently sexually abused and beaten by my father..

…and your church knew about it.  Below is a document.  In the document you will read the words of my mother.


You could have done something more to help my mother. You had the chance to save the life of one of your God's children. I suppose your God forgave you, right?  How convenient. I don't forgive you. I don't have to. Imagine that.

After praying to your God to make the incestual and violent abuse stop, after being told by society that I am to blame, and after asking your God to save me, I came to the conclusion that I was at fault for the horrific abuse that I had to endure.  I was even told by one of your church members that I was praying wrong.  I was blamed for my continued abuse in multiple round-a-bout ways.  My father, on the other hand, was “forgiven” by church members.  He ate steak in prison as my mother dug in the trash behind Kmart for food.  I remember church members telling me to forgive him as God had forgiven me.  I was a child.  What was your invisible God supposed to forgive me for?  My tormented soul?  My body being shredded by my own father?  Or for praying wrong and being blamed for my own abuse and judged by "Christians?"

I bet your God is thrilled that so many took the side of a violent wife beating, wife raping, child raping, and evil, sadistic monster. Your forgiveness and your turning a blind eye when my mother asked for help, enabled further abuse. Why would anyone forgive that kind of evil?  Did you think your "love" would change him?  It didn't.  Did you think what you said to my mother was enough?  It wasn't.

There were a couple members of your church who stayed in my life off and on and I was taught how to do simple things, like how to butter toast, how to properly "sit like a lady," how to properly lie in bed to sleep like an angel that looks like she's praying to your God, and to fear your God's wrath if I didn't obey my father and be a "good girl."

You should have learned "to be more responsible in dealing with" the knowledge of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence handed to you by my mom before commenting and minimizing the way that you did.  It was quite destructive to our souls.  I  hope that the next time you choose to look the other way and forgive a pedophile, you fully understand that you're not only enabling the tormenting behavior, you're putting the children of your God's church in harms way and that their lives may be altered forever.  

Sincerely and with every ounce of my newly found strength to raise awareness,

"Little Debbie Barbie"


Dear "North" Minneapolis Police Department, (AKA Minneapolis Police Department,) Minnesota.

I used to live in your city.  I was a little girl named Debbie and I was in dire need of a hero.  This is a picture of me when I was little.


By the time I was that age, I had already been brutally sexually assaulted by my father...

…and your agency knew about it.  Below is a document.  In the document you will read the words of my mother.


You could have rescued me.  Did your officer(s) decide that I was unworthy?

Sincerely and with every ounce of shame, blame, and trauma I am burdened with until the day that I die,

Debbie, the apparently unworthy daughter of a violent pedophile; that your agency's "heroes" allowed to further abuse me.

Note: This page is part of my memoir reveal site. The tab names across the top of this page or the labels you can view by clicking the red bar on your phone relate to AKA names given in my memoir 'Debbie' before I revealed them on this website. Click the "LEOs" and "PEDODAD" tabs at the top of this page for more info about my life as a #CSE survivor. Thank you! 

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