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Thank you for taking the time to learn more. Images on this site are best viewed from a computer depending on your phone or tablet. How sad is it that in America, it comes to a survivor doing this?  My name was Debbie as a child.  My father was a monster of a pedophile.  He is deceased.  He had taken many indecent photos of me as a child.  Images of me would most likely be from the ages of 2 years old to 7 years old.  Some may have another child in them as well.  If during your investigations you find images of me, I will be happy to testify against ANYONE who is caught with them.  My violent father eventually became an over the road truck driver after a short prison stay for harming another child.  He never had to register as an offender due to the time frame of his conviction.  I'm sure most people can understand the torment of knowing #CSE images of yourself are out there somewhere.  Please, if you've seen the images, contact me. I deserve and need justice. Thank you.

Here are some details:

We lived in various places in Minnesota. The last place I know that the #CSE images existed was: Pine County, Hinckley, Minnesota. The house
that we lived in at that time was allegedly called "The Palace." I have heard there is a movie theater where the house once stood. We left the house quickly after his arrest and the images and other items were left behind in our hurry. The house, as I understand, was rented by us. That means there was a landlord and my father's arrest means the local cops were involved in the situation to some extent. 

I have three older brothers.  One of them stated that when our father was arrested on the charge for harming another child he was elsewhere (I won't say where he was here.) He stated he returned home after we left and had no idea what was going on. He said the house was in shambles and he couldn't find us. He said he called the local cops and they brought him to the shelter we were at. Another of my brothers stated that (though he lived in a city fairly far from where the "farm" house stood,) he just happened to be driving by years later and the house also just happened to be burning down. He said it was a training fire for the local fire department. I called the local fire department and the person I spoke with on the phone got in touch with someone who worked at the fire department at that time, and that person stated it was not a training fire at all: that they found the fire to be suspicious.

In trying to find out more information I made contact with the new theater that stands approx where the old "farm" house stood. I contacted them on social media in private. The person I was speaking with did not know why I was asking questions. The person didn't know I was a #CSE survivor and that some of my abuse happened in the "farm" house. The person stated that the "farm" was called "The Palace" back in the day. The "farm" house allegedly became a huge party-house in the area after we moved out. The house was allegedly very well known in the area back then.

Just some of hundreds of questions:

Did the landlord find the images and turn them over to police?
Did the new tenants find the images and turn them over to police?
Did a family member go in after we left and turn them over to police?
Did the police find the images if and when they searched the house?
If any of the above are true: The images were seen by the police. Where are the images now and why no charges?

Did the landlord keep the images?
Did the new tenants keep the images?
Did a family member keep the images? Some of my family members are/were abusive as well. A very sick family.
Did someone at a party find them and keep the images?
If  any of the above are true: Did they ever sell or share the images?
If any of the above is true: They should be charged.

Are the images now online? If so, whomever put them there should be charged along with any person viewing or downloading them. Are they in a magazine? If so, whomever put them there should be charged along with any person viewing or downloading them.

Were any images found in the vicinity of the cemetery or theater near the location of the "farm" house since that time?

If my father or someone he knows hid the images before he was arrested on the other charge, did my father get the images back after his too short prison stay and then share or sell them? Did he pass them onto another family member? Some of my family members have no issue lying to police.

Did he share them with other truck drivers while he worked on the road for years? Did he dump them along a highway? Did someone find them? Or were they being sold long before he was arrested on the single charge for harming another child? Not only did my father never change, but it has been proven he was looking for #CSE images online decades after his arrest. Did he sell the images to an online site if he still had access to them?

Where is all of the photography equipment he used to create these images of me? They had to be left at the "farm" after his arrest. Where are all of the images of other children that he also had? 

Someone knows something. There is absolutely no way that someone doesn't know something.  

If you remember any old cases or have a retired friend that might remember something, please check to see if any of the images are of me.  I know this is a long shot, but I will not back down and stay silent.  I will keep fighting back even if this is all that I can do.  Please save these images of me to compare in any new or former cases.  If police need images of him for comparison, I will be happy to provide some.  MORE INFO ABOUT HIM CAN BE FOUND BY CLICKING TABS ON TOP OF THIS PAGE OR THE RED BAR ON YOUR PHONE.  I don't care how "crazy" this looks, something has to change for survivors.   

Please do not assume one hand is talking to the other.  If you feel you've seen images of me as a child during a previous investigation.. please go back and check it out.  Please do not turn away if you feel you remember something.  I matter.  Please do not rely on others or assume others are looking into this.   Cut through the red tape if you legally can.  Thank you.

It shouldn't of been so hard to save a child from a pedo.  Everyone seemed to know he was r*ping me.  (Cops, Judge, agencies, family, etc..) Now here I am.  Please do not turn away and ignore this if you feel you remember seeing images of me. 
Use the contact tab on the top of this page to reach out to me.  I will only respond to people claiming to be law enforcement if they have a valid government email address and phone number attached to their message.  Thank you and please keep searching for any images that may be me.  Images of me are below.  There are only decent images of me on this site. 



Are you a government employee that finally has what it takes to do the right thing and help me find justice in court?  Can you cut through the red tape legally?   Did you find the images?    I do want to know.   Please contact me.   I had more than one abuser.  


                                                 DO NOT SEND ME LINKS OR IMAGES! 


I found an article on the Joplin Globe News Site that can be found by clicking the black button below:

What are the chances that my father and another predator, much like himself, both worked for a small trucking company in a not so big town in Missouri?  So many coincidences.  Yes, I did contact local law enforcement regarding the fact that my father worked there and that images could have been his or something else etc.. Below is a partial of our email exchange. NOTE: In 2000 my father's computer was searched by police in his local city (not Missouri) and they found some disturbing things (and yes, I have that documentation as well.) For whatever damn reason, in 2000, he was yet again free to go.  Now back to the the truck driver coincidence(s).  See partial emails below.  Disturbing. frustrating (but, sadly,) not surprising:


Note: This page is linked to my memoir reveal site. The tab names across the top of this page or the labels you can view by clicking the red bar on your phone relate to AKA names given in my memoir before I revealed them on this website. Click the "PEDODAD" and "UNWORTHY" tabs at the top of this page for more info. Thank you! Your time and compassion are deeply appreciated.

                                                                                                                          © 2018,  2019, 2020 by Sierra D. Waters.
No part of this website may be used without the written permission of the creator. For content use permissions: send requests by using the contact form.  This site is best viewed via computer.  You may not be able to see everything via a phone or tablet.  I do not condone violence.  Do not become part of the problem. Thank you.

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